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My relationship status with food: it (was) complicated.
My relationship status with snack cakes: it’s really complicated.

I grew up on a Midwestern diet full of sugar and processed foods, #america. Generally athletic and always indulgent, I developed - as many of us do - a complicated relationship with food. I often gorged, then forced my body to perform athletically against its will, and was always left feeling dissatisfied with how I felt and looked. The journey for food and I took many turns, including skipping down streets of self-love and crawling through dark alleys of restriction and self-loathing. I will spare you many of the details, though I am (unfortunately) confident much of it would resonate with how you’ve felt about food at some point.

Over the last few years, I finally found my true inner athlete in the weight room - through bodybuilding. With this new hobby, I was able to craft a much healthier view of how to fuel my body. I embarked on what became an obsessive journey to learn about nutrition, a journey that I doubt will ever end for me.

As many of my food-mindset wounds began to heal, I found I was still hitting a wall with a few things - sugar and nostalgia. Enter, snack cakes - I had overcome so many things, completely 180’d my diet, and this was the one childhood treat that I could still feel pulling at my emotional stomachstrings.

Now, my relationship status with snack cakes is more complicated than ever - they’re honestly all I think about. I started Honeycut Kitchen to produce quality products that could enable people to discover how beautiful their body could feel when treated with the respect it deserves (just take a look at our cakes’ nutrition panel and you may get a sense of the magic we’re trying to impart with the minimal, high quality ingredients that we use). I understand that this a bold endeavor when our vehicle of choice is a snack cake, but there is a reason for that - the snack cake is such an omnipresent and unshakable part of the American culture (clearly, I couldn’t part ways with it either!), which makes it a fantastic opportunity to redefine how we feed our bodies and souls.

Whether you are exploring healthier alternatives, yearning for a nostalgic treat, or just love sweets, I hope Honeycut’s snack cakes will not only help you on your journey, but will help you feel the power of what a good piece of cake can do for mind, body and soul :)

- Jenny, founder of Honeycut Kitchen

Take me to the snack cakes